Many Children who have experienced trauma can’t focus well, as they have been rewired to simply survive.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide those who work with young refugee children with trauma-informed ideas, resources and strategies to help them give refugee kids the help they need to learn and to thrive.

Classroom in South Africa

Our Vision

We strive to provide teachers, child caregivers, homeschoolers, parents, volunteers and others with trauma-informed skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to work creatively with refugee kids to support and enhance their growing resilience and self-confidence to be what they can be as they become the hope of the future.

Classroom in Jordan


Beryl Cheal

As a former teacher I have often thought about the children who I taught and my responses to their behaviors as I designed ways to help them learn. <br>Read More


South Africa
"Thank you very much for coming to South Africa. I remember very well the first day I met you. I expected an old lady and heaven behold a strong woman who was not her age……Coming to South Africa at your age means a lot to us, your experience in life and education has taught us a lot. We value that and what you have planted will grow and be like trees which are always growing through and through."
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Ma’am Zulu
School Director
“Thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge and expertise in designing “Super Girls” Program. Your dedication and restless efforts made it happen. You make a difference.”
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Collateral Repair Project (CRP)
“Dear Honored Ms. Cheal -
On behalf of all staff of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources it is my pleasure to express to you our sincere appreciation, gratitude and thanks for your fruitful activity in the Ministry as a Peace Corps volunteer during last two years. Starting with first days of activity in frame of our institution you proved to be a devoted ecologist and contributed very successfully to promote the good image of our institution at the national and international scale. Being an open-hearted, communicable and very nice associative person, you managed to stuff in the daily activity of the Ministry as a fresh wind of new progressive ideas and suggestions”
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Constantin Milhailescu